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Hledaný výraz
children's version of the site
About the Office
Basic information
About the Office
Mandatory Information
Organizational structure of the office
Complaints rules
Access to Information
Information on personal data protection
Quality standards
Anti-corruption measures
Official Desk
Projects of the Office
How can we help?
Separation of parents and child custody arrangements
What issues need to be addressed when parents separate?
Out-of-court solutions for child custody in the event of parental separation
Judicial regulation of child custody in the Czech Republic
Which court will decide on the custody of children in international families?
Role and tasks of the Office in the judicial regulation of child care in the Czech Republic
Tools to facilitate parental agreements and other communication
Adjustment of mutual contact between parents and children
How and why to adjust parents' contact with children
How to ensure contact with a child who lives abroad?
What concerns do parents have? How can the Office help?
Practical recommendations for making contact
Travelling and moving with your child between countries
Rules on travelling and moving with your child between countries
I want to move abroad with my child
I want to go abroad with my child for a short time
Preventive tools for international parental child abduction
How to ensure the return of a child from abroad to the Czech Republic?
How do I arrange my child's return from the Czech Republic to the country where he/she has been living?
Criminal aspects of international parental abduction
Passport for the child
Determining and Denying Parenthood
Determination and denial of parenthood in the Czech Republic
Establishing and Denying Paternity in the International Context
The role of the Office in court proceedings to establish and deny paternity
Maintenance - who pays it, how much, to whom and for how long
I need to recover maintenance from abroad (payments to the Czech Republic)
I need to recover maintenance from the Czech Republic (payments abroad)
I need to increase or decrease child support
Spare maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions
Intercountry adoption
Intercountry adoption of a child from abroad to the Czech Republic
Intercountry adoption from the Czech Republic to a foreign country
Biological roots
Stepparent adoption (Adoption by a spouse of the parent)
Stepparent adoption in the Czech Republic
Stepparent adoption in the international context
Role of the Office in the stepparent adoption procedure
Substitute care
Substitute care in the Czech Republic
Foster family care in the international context
The role of the Office in court proceedings for the placement of a child in a substitute care
Removing children from families living abroad
Child not in the care of parents abroad
Child outside the care of parents in the Czech Republic
Participation of Children
Quality standards
For children
Information on personal data protection - Office for International Legal Protection of Children
About the Office
Basic information
Information on personal data protection
Basic information
About the Office
Mandatory Information
Organizational structure of the office
Complaints rules
Access to Information
Information on personal data protection
Quality standards
Anti-corruption measures
Official Desk
Projects of the Office